Here at Surrey LGBTQ Pride CIC, we need to gather and use certain information about individuals we engage with. These can include committee members, volunteers, external agencies or partners, and members of the public and other people we may come into contact with. This policy describes how this personal data must be collected, handled and stored to meet our organisational standards and to comply with the law.
Surrey LGBTQ Pride CIC are registered with and regulated by the ICO (Information Commissioners Office) and The Fundraising Regulator. Surrey LGBTQ Pride CIC also have suitable Safeguarding policies in place and training that supports and guides volunteers who may be handling anyones personal/confidential data.
Policy Statement
Surrey LGBTQ Pride CIC is committed to a policy of protecting the rights and privacy of individuals, including clients, volunteers, staff and others in accordance with The Data Protection Act 1998. The policy applies to all committee members and volunteers at Surrey LGBTQ Pride CIC and any breach of The Data Protection Act 1998 may be considered to be an offence and in that event, disciplinary procedures apply.
As a matter of good practice, other organisations and individuals working with our organisation, and who have access to personal information, will be expected to have read and comply with this policy. It is expected that any staff who deal with external organisations will take responsibility for ensuring that such organisations sign a contract agreeing to abide by this policy if appropriate and necessary.
Legal Requirements
Data is protected by the Data Protection Act 1998, which came into effect on 1 March 2000. Its purpose is to protect the rights and privacy of individuals and to ensure that personal data is not processed without their knowledge, and, wherever possible, is processed without their consent.
The Act requires us to register the fact that we may hold personal data and to acknowledge the right of ‘subject access’ for anyone we hold data on. A ‘subject access’ request must be put in writing either via our postal address or via e-mail:
Managing Data Protection
We will ensure we continue to comply with all relevant laws and legislations protecting all data that we may be in receipt of.
Why we may be in receipt of personal data at Surrey LGBTQ Pride CIC
We may be in receipt of data for numerous reasons, these include but are not limited to:
- Maintaining accurate and proper personnel records surrounding Directors and/or Core team members (volunteers). This is likely to include the full results of any safety/background checks including CRB.
- The contact information of third party service providers, guest speakers, event performers and partners such as sponsors, philanthropists, venues and regular donors.
- To ensure correct and appropriate accounting or HMRC submissions such as VAT information and/or invoicing details.
- In the event of advertising, agency marketing, social influencing or PR output.
- Enabling the correct signposting / referral to a professional non-profit, charity or public health service.
Data Protection Law
The Data Protection Act 1998 describes how organisations like Surrey LGBTQ Pride CIC must collect, handle and store personal information. These rules apply regardless of whether the data is stored electronically, on paper or on other materials.
To ensure we comply with the law, any personal information must be collected and used fairly, stored safely and not disclosed unlawfully.
There are eight principles which underpin the Data Protection Act and these say that personal information must:
Be processed fairly and lawfully
Be obtained only for specific, lawful purposes
Be adequate, relevant and not excessive
Be accurate and kept up to date
Not be held for any longer than necessary
Processed in accordance with the rights of data subjects
Be protected in appropriate ways
Not be transferred outside the European Economic Area (EEA), unless that country or territory also ensures an adequate level of protection.
Be processed fairly and lawfully
We will always put our logo on all of our paperwork and state our intentions on how we will process the data and also state if and to whom we intend to give the personal data. We will also give an indication of how long we will keep the data.
Be obtained only for specific, lawful purposes
Any request for your data from a third party (other than legally binding) will result in us contacting you by any means or notifying the requesting party to contact you directly. Any concerns surrounding a request will be duly investigated and reported to the Information Commissioners Office (ICO).
Surrey LGBTQ Pride CIC will continue to monitor the data we hold and ensure we hold neither too much nor too little in respect of the individuals we hold data on. If we hold or obtain too much data, we will immediately delete or destroy the excess.
Be accurate and kept up to date
All amendments will be made immediately and any data we no longer require will be deleted or destroyed. It is the responsibility of individuals to ensure the data held by us is accurate and up-to-date. How much will be taken as an indication that the data contained is accurate and individuals should notify us of any changes, to enable personnel records to be updated accordingly. It is our responsibility to act upon notification of changes to data, amending them where relevant.
If anyone we hold data for asks us to review their data/delete data or request their data and we refuse or do not process their request correctly then they have the right to complain through the relevant authorities.
Data will not be kept longer than necessary
At Surrey LGBTQ Pride CIC, we discourage the retention of data for longer than is necessary. All personal data will be deleted or destroyed by us after one year in the case of former employees and as soon as appropriate in the case of client’s data.
Data will be processed in accordance with the individual’s rights
Everyone that Surrey LGBTQ Pride CIC holds data on has the right to:
Be informed upon the request of all the information held about them within 40 days.
Prevent the processing of their data for the purposes of direct marketing.
Compensation if they can show they have been caused damage by any contravention of the Act.
Have any inaccurate data held about them removed or corrected.
All data will be held securely
All Surrey LGBTQ Pride CIC computers and/or online services have log in details which form parts of how we deliver our web services.
All personal and financial data relating to employees (volunteers) are either kept in a locked filing cabinet or online service that can only be accessed by authorised staff; Director/s, Chief Operating Officer, Senior administrator/Personal assistant.
When staff are using PC’s/laptops out of the office, care should always be taken to ensure personal data on the screen cannot be seen by others. This also includes smart phones and tablets if our database is being accessed away from the office.
Data will not be transferred to countries outside of the European Economic Area (EEA), unless the country has adequate protection for the individual.
Data must not be transferred to countries outside of the EEA without the explicit consent of the individual. Surrey LGBTQ Pride CIC takes care to be aware of this when publishing this on the internet, which can be accessed anywhere in the world.
Client Information
The information we are likely to have about a client includes (but not limited to):
Name, Age, Address
Previous Donations / Shopping experiences
Sexual orientation and/or Gender
Sexual / Physical and Emotional health and well-being
We treat electronic information the same as paper format and it too is covered by this policy.
We and our trusted partners use cookies and other technologies in our related services, including when you visit our Site or access our services.
A "cookie" is a small piece of information that a website assigns to your device while you are viewing a website. Cookies are very helpful and can be used for various different purposes. These purposes include allowing you to navigate between pages efficiently, enabling automatic activation of certain features, remembering your preferences and making the interaction between you and our Services quicker and easier. Cookies are also used to help make sure that the advertisements you see are relevant to you and your interests and to compile statistical data on your use of our Services.
The Site uses the following types of cookies:
a. 'session cookies'
which are stored only temporarily during a browsing session in order to allow normal use of the system and are deleted from your device when the browser is closed;
b. 'persistent cookies', which are read only by the Site, saved on your computer for a fixed period and are not deleted when the browser is closed. Such cookies are used where we need to know who you are for repeat visits, for example to allow us to store your preferences for the next sign-in;
c. 'third-party cookies'
which are set by other online services who run content on the page you are viewing, for example by third-party analytics companies who monitor and analyse our web access.
Cookies do not contain any information that personally identifies you, but Personal Information that we store about you may be linked, by us, to the information stored in and obtained from cookies. You may remove the cookies by following the instructions of your device preferences; however, if you choose to disable cookies, some features of our Site may not operate properly and your online experience may be limited.
We use a tool which is based on the Snowplow Analytics technology to collect information about your use of the Site. The tool collects information such as how often users access the Site, which pages they visit when they do so, etc. The tool does not collect any Personal Information and is only used by our Site hosting and operating service provider to improve the Site and services.